Never Grow Up®
Life At Work

Things to Do When Quitting Your Job

Quitting your job

According to payroll data by the Indian government, about six million people left their jobs in 10 months ending in June 2018. Quitting a job is a topic that demands a separate article altogether, but what are the steps you should be taking within the organisation when quitting your job? Well, to begin with, there is some professional courtesy to be extended and is expected out of every professional. Here’s a checklist for you if you’ve made up your mind to quit –

Notice Period

Every company has a notice period policy that requires employers to let their HR or manager know well in advance about them leaving the company. Doing so gives your employer ample time, to refill your position as well as delegate responsibilities to others. Even if you want to quit as soon as possible, try giving notice well in advance. Try not to give your resignation when the organization or your manager has a lot on their plate but look for that window period when the workload is lesser. Your manager or HR should be the first one in your workplace to know about your decision to quit. The word tends to spread around and reaching your manager’s ears through a source other shows you in a negative light.

Company Property

If you are in possession of any company assets, like a phone, tablet, car, documents, etc, give them up in time. Not only does it save time and effort of seeking you out at a stage when you’re no longer part of the organisation, but it’s also better for your peace of mind too. Organize all the files in neat and relevant folders and mark them with details so that it’s easier to find and extract them by others if required. Let your supervisor and colleagues know where all the relevant files have been saved.

Clean up

When you have already made up your mind to exit from the company, clear out all your files and folders from the systems assigned to you. Leaving personal information anywhere is not a good idea, especially when you are leaving an organisation. Your computer and phones will be reviewed before being allotted to an employee. Even if you were not using the system for personal usage, it is better to return a clean slate. It’s like cleaning out your old house for others before leaving.

Don’t burn bridges

Even if your experience in the company has been less than positive, it’s imperative to not let any negative word out of your mouth, whether it is about a colleague, co-worker or the organisation. Any industry is a tightly knit community and in this ever-connected world, your reputation matters more than ever. End your time in a company with cordial terms as any good word about you will help you secure a positive image in the eyes of your new employer.

Exit interview

Most companies hold a formal meeting before an employee officially leaves it. The purpose of it is to gain insights about the organisation. Give constructive feedback if you have been asked. While it may be tempting to speak against a colleague or co-worker, refrain from doing so. Instead, point out the better parts of your experience at the company.


A strong network of professionals can help you in gaining newer and better opportunities in the future. Before you leave, connect with your colleagues and co-workers over professional networks like LinkedIn. Write reviews and recommendations about them, which in turn will prompt them to return the favour. You are also more likely to know about any new position in the organisation, if you have them added to your connections.

Last day at work

People tend to slack in their notice period. Maintain your professional stance till the last day of your work. Carry out all your duties, complete your tasks and keep any lag to a minimal. Treat it as any other day at work. While first impressions get a lot of importance, at a workplace, it’s usually the last one that leaves a lasting impact.

When quitting, you should be conscious of your actions because it not only affects you but the organisation too. At the end of the day, you would want to exit gracefully and wouldn’t want any act, on your part to hurt your future prospects in the industry.

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