People First To Deliver Customer First | Our Approach To Engagement
The debate of customer first vs people is endless. Which one brings more profit and productivity? How about people first to deliver customer first approach?
The debate of customer first vs people is endless. Which one brings more profit and productivity? How about people first to deliver customer first approach?
Dedicated to the pursuit of happiness at work, Never Grow Up a new-age Work Culture Consultancy has recently launched a Return On Engagement (ROE) calculator.
Talking to a client can be nerve-wracking and stressful. We may end up saying the wrong thing and upsetting them. But here are things NOT to say a client.
We have all attended workshops which seemed fun but didn’t really do anything for you. Here’s how to get it right with workshops that make a difference.
According to Glassdoor ,79% of employees preferred organisations with benefits and perks over hefty salary. Are your employees getting the right benefits?