Never Grow Up®
In The News People First

Here’s Your Chance to be Peter Pan | Mid-Day

Here's Your Chance to be Peter Pan by Never Grow Up®

Never Grow Up got written about on the Mid-Day! There are some things in life you never forget. Your first crush, your first toy, first car… the first time your venture was written about in the press! Sigh! Here’s what they wrote about us:

There was a time when as kids, make-believe games provided for hours of fun and laughter. When everything was looked upon with wide-eyed wonder and fancy-free imagination. But as one got stuck in the rut of climbing the corporate ladder, the child within faded away. The grown-up had arrived.

If this dramatic paragraph struck a chord, you might want to consider Asif Upadhye’s refreshing venture, a way of life that he calls Never Grow Up. The company aims to change the boring work culture by making it more engaging and interactive so that employees have fun at work. Though it doesn’t mean you are free to throw tantrums in a supermarket aisle, once you sign up on his website, you can get updates of forthcoming workshops to help you unwind, chill and indulge in that thirst to know more.

“I’m sure there’s a child inside all of us who doesn’t ever want to grow up. Our workshops are aimed at helping you connect with yourself and do things you always wanted to but couldn’t because of the taboos that come with being an adult,” says Asif (30), a marketing professional who quit his job with an MNC to start the venture with his wife in November last year. Though their workshop that took place last Sunday was about understanding how money works and what it takes to build your wealth, a topic far removed from juvenile discussions, participants had to wriggle into classroom-like seats, and scribble into a brown paper-covered ruled notebook with a pencil (many asked for extra erasers, we are told). Previously, they have organised workshops on photography, recycled art, cocktail-making and bartending.

“Such activities help restore work-life balance,” says Asif. How weird is it for a married man to be seen gaping at Ben 10 figurines in the kiddies’ section of a store? “My wife just laughs it off,” says Asif. “She says that when they have a kid, she will have to cope with two in the house!”

“Asif Upadhye might not live in Neverland but hopes to bring out the child in you through his venture — Never Grow Up”-  dhvani.solani@mid-

There’s a lot of interesting work that we have been up to! Visit to know more about what we do or drop in a mail at

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