Never Grow Up®

Jump-start Resilience Skills Using Positive Psychology

Jumpstart Resilience Skills Using Positive Psychology by Never Grow Up®

The way people work is fast changing. Today, workplace well-being is a significant concern with 84% of employees reporting fatigue, lowered morale, and headaches due to chronic stress. It is only fair to state that coping with today’s job stress requires a different set of skills and strategies.

Resilience is a key element of well-being.

Employees often find themselves trying to meet tight deadlines and working long hours, while juggling their work relationships. This fast-paced environment can easily lead to stress and burnout, which often prove to be integral contributing risk factors towards anxiety and depression.

What Being Resilient Really Means

While some people have a naturally positive attitude and find ways to overcome challenges, not all of us are as lucky. The good part is that resilience is a skill that can be developed over time and companies that equip their teams with resilience training end up succeeding in the long haul.

Resilience in positive psychology is a person’s ability to bounce back and thrive, even during obstacles and times of adversity. It is less about coping and more about developing a flexible mindset that is open to learning from experiences.

Positive psychology helps people chalk out the things that provide meaning to their lives and make it worth living. When they have a clear picture of what’s ‘really important’ to them, resilience steps in as a source of strength to help people adapt in times of crisis.

Why Is Being Resilient At Work So Important?

Resilient employees miss fewer days at work, report higher levels of job satisfaction, experience lesser stressful moments, and end up staying at a company for longer than those with low resilience.

Building a resilient workforce is a necessity, now more than ever and with some companies struggling to barely keep their head above the water, it is only ‘Corporate Resilience’ that can help them stay afloat.

Here are 3 things that resilient employees do differently at work.

1.They get real

Resilience is about being genuine. Resilient people play to their strengths and values, even when the going gets tough. Sometimes at work, people are pushed out of their comfort zones. Instead of viewing this as a setback, developing resilience skills calls for the confidence in self to overpower the setback and learn from the failure.

2.They stay inspired

No two days at work are the same. It is impossible to expect any individual to be highly motivated and productive, every single day. On a day that motivation and energy is low, resilient people take time to find ways that help them reinstate meaning to what they believe in and like doing. This task makes them remain engaged.

3.They adapt to change

With a massive chunk of employees working from home, workplaces have changed almost overnight. While people have coped differently, resiliency plays a critical role in how this change is managed. When practiced over time, resilient employees are better able to deal with setbacks, adapt to challenges, welcome obstacles, and stay focused even during a crisis situation.

Creating A Resilient Workplace Culture

When employees experience high levels of chronic stress, talent retention becomes a problem and attrition rates takes a massive hit. Thus, building a culture based on developing resilience at work not only supports the mental well-being of employees, but also empowers them with a skillset to take on new challenges and manage their emotions.

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” – Elizabeth Edwards

Resilience offers people a sense of fulfilment from being able to work through tough times and come out on the brighter side. No brownie points for guessing that resilience when built from the top will only promote organizational toughness.

Talk to us today about setting up a resilience training at your workplace!

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