Never Grow Up®
AI for HR
Employee Experience

5 Mistakes to Avoid when Using AI for Talent

Latest trends indicate the need for integration of AI (artificial intelligence) into HR for analysing
Making HR more Human
Employee Experience

Making HR More Human

HR does not just line up interviews and find candidates. They also need to make
Things to avoid saying your Boss
Employee Experience

9 Things To Avoid Saying To Your Boss

Speaking to your boss may make you nervous and you might say things you didn’t
Employee Experience
Employee Experience In The News

Quantifying the Unquantifiable: Employee Experience | People Matters

How high is ‘Employee Experience’ prioritized in your company? Study shows, out of 3.36B people,
Employee Engagement to increase the numbers
Employee Experience In The News

Up Your Numbers, The Engagement Way | People Matters

Months ago, the New York Times carried an article titled ‘How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks
art of retaining
Employee Experience In The News

Why Businesses Need To Learn The Art of Retaining

Finding employees is easy with hundreds of applicants. Companies find a replacement for an employee
Return On Engagement Calculator
Employee Experience

Never Grow Up ® announces the launch of India’s

Dedicated to the pursuit of happiness at work, Never Grow Up a new-age Work Culture
Appraisal Meeting
Employee Experience

Thoughts One Has During the Appraisal Meeting

Appraisal is the most exciting time! From being excited to sweating nervously, here are things
Best Employer Branding Consultant
Employee Experience

Never Grow Up Wins & Stands Humbled

Never Grow Up was awarded the ‘Best Employer Branding Consultant’ & ‘The Best HR Communications
Happyness Quotient
Employee Experience In The News

When the Spotlight at TechHR17 was on Never Grow

Happyness Quotient had been shortlisted under the ‘Tech HR Spotlight Program’ at Tech HR- Asia’s
Employee Experience In The News

Why Employees Quit Startups: A Reality Check | Inc42

The world of startups is an ever evolving one. While startups experience a new adventure
best employee engagement service provider
Employee Experience

We bagged the Best Employee Engagement Service Provider award

For the second year in a row, we won the Best Employee Engagement Service Provider