Never Grow Up®
Mental Health At Work What Your HR Is Doing Wrong by Never Grow Up® Leadership Well-Being

Mental Health At Work – What Your HR Is Doing Wrong!

Amidst endless struggles with deadlines, virtual meetings, deliverables, achieving KPIs and most importantly staying safe from the virus, how often do you overlook your mental health needs? Although HR departments and consultants are undertaking initiatives that enhance an employee’s experience at the workplace, how many of these initiatives address an employee’s well-being? Granted some of […]

Redefining Rewards And Recognition Programmes by Never Grow Up® Employee Experience Life At Work

Redefining Rewards And Recognition Programmes

The emphasis on employee well-being, work-life balance and recognition has increased triple-fold over a span of just seven months. The pandemic has reshuffled businesses priorities for companies to stay afloat and yield the targeted results. On close inspection, one would find that these newly aligned priorities revolve around the overall experience of the employee.   […]

Managing Virtual Onboarding And Online Training In 2020 by Never Grow Up® Work Culture

Managing Virtual Onboarding And Online Training In 2020

Remote work has become everyone’s reality in wake of the 2020 pandemic. While it initiated a sudden shift to an almost virtual workday, there is a grey area of scheduling, formalities, re-written rules of engagement, and productivity maximization.  Employers all over are adjusting to virtual onboarding, corporate training, and online internships. From an optional advantage […]

Top 4 Priorities For HR In 2020 by Never Grow Up® People First Work Culture

Top 4 Priorities For HR In 2020

The year 2020 so far has been filled with turmoil for people across the globe, be it on the personal or professional front. Never before has the role of human resource management been more critical in amping up the work environment. At a time when companies are fast evaluating a flexible work model and new […]

Time to Rethink Perks for Work From Home Employees by Never Grow Up® People First Work Culture

Time to Rethink Perks for Work-From-Home Employees

Transitioning from office spaces to our homes is probably the most significant cultural shift that we’ve made during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. A recent study found out that employees working from home were 22% happier than on-site employees. They experienced better work-life balance, less stress, and also higher productivity.  Most individuals are turning to remote […]

Role And Impact Of Soft Skills On Workplace Well-Being by Never Grow Up® People First Well-Being

Role And Impact Of Soft Skills On Workplace Well-Being

No two people in a workplace are similar. We all have our individual personalities and character traits. In a workplace, as in life, communication is extremely important. It is essential to improve inter-personal relationships, interact, connect, make others feel comfortable and valued, and enable an environment that is supportive and not judgemental.  Interdependence Between Soft […]

Emotional Resilience A Workplace Necessity by Never Grow Up® Work Culture

Emotional Resilience: A Workplace Necessity

In today’s business environment, we’ve come to accept that change is constant. Even recently, as the world came to a halt, work continued, albeit with a change in platform. The need to ‘go with the flow’ has become a given in this ever-changing and fast-paced reality.  A resilient workforce plays a major role in accommodating […]

Remote Hiring What Works, What Needs To Improve by Never Grow Up® Employee Experience Work Culture

Remote Hiring: What Works, What Needs To Improve

In the last couple of years, telecommuting has witnessed a spike. Start-ups and smaller organizations are branching out into co-working spaces to allow employees the flexibility of working from their preferred locations. This not only saves on investing in rigid infrastructure, but also keeps the productivity levels higher. Given the current situation, that very co-working […]

Unmasking Mental Health At Work by Never Grow Up® Well-Being Work Culture

Unmasking Mental Health Stigma At Work

The world is currently fighting two battles; a physical health crisis with COVID-19 and a mental health crisis from living in constant anxiety and fear due to a number of psycho-social contributors. In India, with the lives of 1.3 billion people brought to a sudden standstill, the Indian Psychiatric Society recorded a 20% rise in […]

Expressive Arts by Never Grow Up® Well-Being

Tuning Into Mental Well-Being At Work

Tuning in to our bodies can help us understand our thoughts better. Inherently, we are born with a sense of movement that helps us channelize our energy into experiences, hold memories, reveal emotions and express ourselves. The word ‘therapy’ often creates an image of a counsellor sitting on a couch discussing mental health issues with […]

Unlocking The Science Of Happiness At Work Why And How by Never Grow Up® Well-Being

Unlocking The Science Of Happiness At Work: Why And How

Instead of the usual Thank God Its Friday (TGIF), have you or a co-worker ever said Thank God It’s Monday? Probably not! While Friday’s are seen as the equivalent of winning the weekday lottery, Monday’s at work usually elicit the complete opposite feeling. Monday’s have unfortunately acquired a notorious reputation because they signal the long […]

Jumpstart Resilience Skills Using Positive Psychology by Never Grow Up® Well-Being

Jump-start Resilience Skills Using Positive Psychology

The way people work is fast changing. Today, workplace well-being is a significant concern with 84% of employees reporting fatigue, lowered morale, and headaches due to chronic stress. It is only fair to state that coping with today’s job stress requires a different set of skills and strategies. Resilience is a key element of well-being. […]